Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A brief description of technical communications.


     It was my goal when beginning this blog to first provide a brief description of what technical communication entails. Not everyone has a class on technical communications, yet we all use some form of technical communications on a daily basis. According to the webpage provided by Society for Technical Communications ,technical communication is a broad field and includes any form of communication that exhibits one or more of the following characteristics:
  • Communicating about technical or specialized topics, such as computer applications, medical procedures, or environmental regulations.
  • Communicating by using technology, such as web pages, help files, or social media sites.
  • Providing instructions about how to do something, regardless of how technical the task is or even if technology is used to create or distribute that communication.

If you would like to gain more information about technical communications, please visit

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Technical Desciption


          In the coming week I get the opportunity to create a "Technical Description". For those of you who do not understand the term, let me explain. Whenever you purchase any electronic device, it comes with a product description. A brief description of each  part of the device and the task that each part performs. For example a computer would give a description of the monitor and it's parts and the computer base and it's parts. The monitor includes, the keys, the web cam,the power button, etc. The computer tower may include ports for devices, the power button, etc. I am excited to be able to create a technical description. The assignment seems fun.

Example of a technical description.

Last weeks agenda

       Hello, Again:

               In the past weeks we have done so much. With two assignments due,a resume and a cover letter, I almost forgot about this blog. I went to countless sights, promising to help create a free resume. Of course, when you got to the end of the resume creating process, just as you were ready to download or print, they decide that the resume, which they promised would be free, is in fact not free. It is very frustrating to have done so much work and then be told, your hard work will cost a total of  $1.95. I finally just started a new template on Microsoft word with a functional resume as my guide.  Enough ranting, I enjoyed being able to complete a resume and cover letter for a job of my choice. It seems a reality now, that in just a few months, I can begin my journey as a paraprofessional in our school system. All in all my cover letter and resume, in my opinion, is a hit and hopefully I'll get the job.

Iv'e included a link for tips on creating a proper cover letter and resume.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Hello There,

 I am Calie, Let me start by saying, " I have never, in my life, created a blog", so please bear with me as we set out on this endeavor together. As a Technical communications assignment we are creating blogs and I would like to share with you my adventures throughout this class. From complaint letters to discussions on social media. I hope you guys enjoy.